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New Dolls in the Shop and a San Anselmo, CA Pop-Up recap

Hi Friends! So excited to have another doll drop today! Love seeing these friends find fun and imaginative homes with all of you. There are still a few left, so snatch them up while you can.

I love each doll I make and fell a fondness for each one. This has been such a special and enjoyable venture for me. Can't wait to keep growing.

I can't believe summer is sailing by. We've been trying to take advantage of each day and recently Kiley of Wren and James and I took a road trip to San Anselmo, CA to visit friends Stacey of Amae Co. and Kris of Neve and Hawk. We held a pop-up shop in the new Neve and Hawk store and met so many lovely families. There was something in the air too as so many twins stopped by! (Kiley has twins and at least 2 different sets of twins stopped in). And the sweetest little boy fell in love with Atticus the Bunny. He had to take him around with him everywhere. Take a look at the slide show for more fun pics.



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